Shortly after Kakashi's last report and post, Intelligence received some strange messages from Wave country through various sources. There is supposedly some strange commotion going on at the location of the new bridge being built there (Tazuna's Bridge we assume). Local news and eyewitness who have fled from the scene said the their was a massacre, and that two individuals described as ninjas were present. "One with a freaking massive sword and some kid in a mask" according to an eyewitness.
One worker from the bridge who managed to escape told local authorities the two killed all the workers then just vanished. Shortly after that a strange mist appeared in the vicinity of the bridge. Most folks have been to scared to approach for fear of their own lives and now people have been told to stay away all together. Before that, one passer-by managed to take a snapshot of the bridge in it's now misty state.
It is hard to tell from the photo, but we are pretty sure that the people present are Zabuza some other unknown person, Tazuna Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi-san. Naruto seems to not be present at this location for some reason. We are currently working with local authorities to see if we can find out more, and possibly send help, but it seems the people of wave country are not very easy to deal with as far and information gathering. So as soon as i can get more information about the state of things, I will let you guys all know!
Thanks for your patience!